This page shows the frequently asked questions for clubs, team captains and players. It will be updated from time to time as needed.
The Swindon League
Yes. The league has drafted a Code that is a summary of procedures and unwritten rules that custom, and tradition dictate all players should follow. However, no system of rules will cover every specific problem or situation. If players of goodwill follow the principles of The Code, they should always be able to reach an agreement, while at the same time making tennis more fun and a better game for all.
Players guide to fair play
League System
For some of the divisions data had to be restored and in doing so the scheduled date and round number may be incorrect. Such should not cause a problem to entering results and the overall standing of the league, but club main contacts and team captains may have to scroll through the list of fixtures for their team(s) to find the relevant fixture.
The LTA have a number of documents and help videos on their League Support page. To access this please see the header of the site.
If you need further help with LTA Affiliation or your LTA Advantage account then please raise a ticket using the LTA Contact Form. The link is on our Documents page.
Add a Match Status of Postponed and if a date hasn’t yet been agreed to replay, leave the date as the planned date.
Once a date has been arranged for the match go into Change Result and add a Match Status of Postponed and add the agreed date and time.
Initially add an announcement explaining why the match was not completed.
Once a date has been arranged for the match go into Change Results and add a Match Status of To be Finished and add the agreed date and time.
The correct way to represent this is to add a rubber Score Status of Walkover and then award the rubber to the relevant team.
Since the upgrade in July 2024, the contact details for Team Captains are no longer stored in the league system , but are now retrieved from the individual’s LTA Advantage Account. So, if contact details displayed in the league system are incorrect they should be updated by the individual on their LTA Advantage Account –> Personal Details screen.
Only logged in users of the league can see the Captain’s contact details.
Since the upgrade in July 2024, the contact details for Clubs are no longer stored in the league system, but are now retrieved from the LTA Club Registration record. So, if any contact details for the club are incorrect they should be updated by the person responsible for club registration.
The details are retrieved from the LTA system and as on that system, the details are available to everyone.
You can check the club contact details publicly available on the LTA System through the link below.
On the Home page of the league you may see an orange and a blue banner.
The orange banner displays a message stating for example “There are matches that have no results. Swindon & District Summer League 2024“. These are matches in the past that do not yet have results, This could be because the results have not yet been entered or a postponed match has not yet been rearranged. Ideally this banner should not be present for your club or the number in the button should be low.
The blue banner, we believe, are matches that do not yet have a fixture date. At the moment, please do not go into these and save as we think that these are a result of the initial failed migration. We are awaiting a response from the LTA on this.
At the moment in the new system only current leagues are displayed and there is no means to navigate to previous seasons from the current season. Previous leagues can be found by searching for leagues or alternatively, by going to the specific season (Summer / Winter) on the header of our website and clicking on the relevant year.